Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First snow ~ Dogs on Thursday


claudie said...

Love the pups in the snow. No snow here yet.
I never thought of putting the bed against the wall?
They always come on my side of the bed, not all 6, just Bonnie the little one all curled up on the pink pillow. Bella, the main squeeze can't jump up on the bed, so she lets me sleep till 8 or 9. When Randy leaves the bed, they all come up and everyone is happy, including me.
Dogs on Thurs. is a hit or miss now isn't it?
Love the books you are reviewing. My son, who's 16 and husband wrote and published a book together.
It's been out now for a few months. They are having their 3rd signing at Chapter's this Sunday. It's a science fiction teen book, harry potter style, but with technology.
Nice to meet you
Love Claudie