Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dog Days of Summer

These guys totally destroyed my lawn about two years ago. It was a little shabby to start with, but still ... I laid new sod last year. It's a little patchy this spring, but lookin' good, all in all. The dogs are allowed to play on the lawn on the weekends only. And then, they go all out ....

And the paddling pool came out for the first time today. You can see Gabe waited for about 2" of water before the first dip.

Archie is not a paddling pool guy. Here he is puzzling over how to get the ball out ... Gabe eventually hops in to retrieve it for Arch.

And we have a very special guest with us today: Miss Kona! Miss Kona's people had to go out of town for the weekend and their petsitting plans fell through, so Miss Kona came to stay with us for two nights. She seems to be handling her own mini-break with great aplomb.


Evan said...

We're trying to figure out what to do with our lawn, as two beagles plus a St. Bernard seem to be doing a number on the ol' turf.

It's not so much the playing that does the damage to ours, though...

Jacki said...

Hi Evan! Yup, I know what you're saying. I'm lucky to have a really big yard so they still have plenty of space for, ahem, other activities, even when I keep the lawn blocked off. These guys kick up clods of sod when the ground is soft, chasing each other around. They particularly like the areas around the trees ... they chase each other in circles or try to fake each other out from their respective side of the tree - who will move first and which way will he go??

Evan said...

That game sounds familiar- Annie and Zeus play that one between the rooms on our main floor right now!